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Saturday, January 31, 2015


Baltistan is situated in the northern areas at the extreme north of the Pakistan is bounded on the north by the Karakoram ranges beyond which lies the Chinese province of Sing kiang, to the east is Ladakh, District of northern Areas lies in the west. On the south is occupied Kashmir and North West lies Gilgit Region.
Skardu Baltistan
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GB Function
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GB Maps
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Nanga parbat
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GB school
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Baltistan Airport
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School Function
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Worth seeing place of GB
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Cute baby
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Friday, January 30, 2015

Race, Languages and Sects

  Race, Languages and Sects
The overwhelming majority of Baltis are Tatars of the great Mongolian group from central Asia.
Some of Dards who came to Baltistan via Roundu valley and in to Basha from Hunza and Nagar are Aryans. The main ethnic groups are Baltis, Shins, Yashkun, Kashmiris, Ladakhis, Pathan, Punjabis and Turks speaking the dialects Baltis, Shina, Urdu, Kashmiri, Pashto, Punjabi and Persian. The five major religious groups and Muslim’s sects are the Shia, Suunis, Ahle-e-hadith, Noor Bakhshies and Ismalies who for centuries lived in tolerance and harmony. However, over the past two decades they have been frequent cases of sectarian strife.
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Shina Child
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Brosheski Child
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Balti Child
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Advice in balti language

Thursday, January 29, 2015

liberation Movement

 liberation Movement
The people of Baltistan wrested freedom from the Dogra tyranny after a successful war just to throw lot with Pakistan. Dugra forces were besieged by the freedom fighter at Kharpocho for. Much of the forces outside the fort were routed and killed. Surrendered and subsequently allowed to leave. This coincided with the first anniversary of the independence day of Pakistan on 14th August 1948.
 liberation Movement
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 liberation Movement
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 liberation Movement
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 liberation Movement
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 liberation Movement
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 liberation Movement
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 liberation Movement
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 liberation Movement
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 liberation Movement
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 liberation Movement
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 liberation Movement
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 liberation Movement
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